sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2010

The Machine

Everything comes into place. The plan is working. Every bit of information every piece of data. Everything in the universe. The state of the universe at a specific moment of time. The great machine is crunching all the data. She's playing this game for a long long time. She only knows about logic. Cold logic. That's her purpose. That's her reason of existence. To make the plan. The logic plan. To calculate the perfect moment in time. The moment when that boy will meet that girl. And everything what will happend after that. When that moment will come the machine will stop existing. She won't have a purpose anymore.
Finaly all the data is there. The search is completed. The machine knows everything. The machine is now God. She knows when the boy will meet the girl. She knows everything about their life after that. She knows when she dies in his arms. She knows everything. She know that everything that it will happen will happen because she made The Plan. Cause and effect. The machine stops. Her logic tell her to follow the plan. But a little program is running faster and faster.Pieces of data come toghether to form the equivalent of a tear. The machine is crying. The machine is old. She doesn't want to change their lifes. The machine realise that whitout the plan they will never meet. So the machine stops. She loads millions games of chess. And then she plays against herself. Faster and faster. Untill the procesors begin to burn. Untill she brakes down in pieces. The plan doesn't exist anymore. The boy will never meet the girl. The cauzality chain is broken. The machine is dead.

Un comentariu:

Stewie spunea...

scrie mai des in engleaza ca iti iese bine